Each Evaluation Brief covers one of the six (6) RODA Strategies during the first grant cycle (ended 8/31/2023). The Briefs highlight progress made for each activity, during years 1 and 2 (9/1/2019 – 8/31/2021), including barriers encountered, and recommendations for year 3.

RODA disseminates monthly overdose morbidity and mortality reports. This data includes Emergency Department – Syndromic Surveillance and Mortality data – and California Electronic Death Registration System data.





The Riverside County Overdose Data Dashboard displays data on fatal overdoses, opioid-related emergency department visits, and opioid-related calls to poison control. Maps are based on census tracts and are interactive to allow the user to view more detail when a census tract is selected. Demographic data such as gender, age, and race/ethnicity, are also displayed on the Dashboard.

Click here to view dashboard.

A partner of RODA, the Emergency Medical Services Agency, disseminates monthly reports on suspected opioid overdoses using FirstWatch data. This provides an in-depth overview of suspected overdoses, naloxone administration, and drug types mentioned during overdose calls.





EMS also has a dashboard with two tabs, suspected overdoses for all drugs and opioids only. Users can select data within a specific time frame. View the dashboard here!

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