The RUHS Medical Center (RUHSMC) trauma team serves more than 3,700 adults and children each year. RUHSMC is an ACS-COT verified Level I trauma center and is the only Pediatric Level II trauma center in Riverside County. Our trauma center is staffed by highly trained, board-certified Trauma Surgeons, specialty nursing and support staff who ensure that patients receive high-quality emergency trauma care when every minute counts. Our multidisciplinary team provides quick identification of injuries and treatment of life-threatening problems.
With a commitment to medical and academic excellence, RUHS Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, in partnership with University of California Riverside, offers a one year, intensive Surgical Critical Care fellowship. Here we foster professional growth through scheduled didactics, interdisciplinary rounds, committee participation, patient care, and extensive research opportunities at the Comparative Effectiveness and Clinical Outcomes Research Center (CECORC). The RUHS Trauma team embraces the hospital mission to improve the health and well-being of our patients and community through exceptional and compassionate care, education and outreach.
About Our Medical Center
- Only ACS-COT verified Level I trauma center in Riverside County.
- Only pediatric level 2 trauma center in Riverside County
- Serves as a designated safety net hospital for the region.
- Faculty hold special certificates in General Surgery and Surgical Critical Care from the American Board of Surgery.
- Helicopter services allow us to care for patients from across the entire county and beyond.
Contact Us
Trauma Patient Follow-up and Outpatient Resources
Staff are available to take your call 8am to 5pm Monday-Friday through our Trauma Clinic (951) 988-9644
Urgent trauma service support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us through the operator at (951) 486‑4000
Surgical Critical Care fellowship
Join our one year critical care fellowship! Applications to our ACGME accredited fellowship available through SAFAS
Surgical Critical Care Fellowship program
Our Surgical Critical Care Unit
The surgical ICU at RUHS has 12 dedicated beds and supports the trauma, neurosurgery, emergency general surgery, and subspecialty surgical services.
Patient Outreach
In addition to providing critical services when the need arises, RUHS Trauma Department aims to educate the public to minimize preventable accidents or deaths. Contact Kelly Smith, Trauma nurse coordinator and injury prevention coordinator for more information.
Bleeding is the #1 cause of death in trauma cases, but there are steps you can take to save a life! Take a class to learn more.
- The Ultimate Car Seat Guide
- Car Seat and Booster Seat Safety, Ratings, Guideline
- Risky Driving
- Under Your Influence
- Tool to find right seat
- Upcoming car seat checks
- Link to public health reduced car seat programs?
Child Passenger Safety
Vehicle Occupant Diversion Program (VOPD) The Vehicle Occupant Diversion Program (VOPD) is a two hour education class offered to individuals as part of a reduced fine for those cited in violation of the car seat and or seat belt law.
Stop the Bleed
While more than 2.4 million people have now been trained to STOP THE BLEED ®, that’s just a start.Our goal is to train 200 million. Why? Because the purpose of the STOP THE BLEED ® campaign is to make our nation more resilient by better preparing the public to save lives if people nearby are severely bleeding. This preparation is being done by raising awareness and teaching people how to ...
Office on Aging
County of Riverside Publications, Program and Service, Aging & Disability Resource Connection Program (ADRC), Health Promotion - Healthy Options Program (HOP), Care Coordination, Legal Assistance, Network of Care, Nutrition, Care Transitions Intervention (CTI), Senior Employment, Hospital Liaison
Fall Facts
NCOA's Falls Free CheckUp - @NCOAging. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one-fourth of Americans aged 65+ falls each year. Answer a few quick questions to assess your risk of falling and get a personalized report to share with your health care provider. #fallspreventiontips