What is Community Services and Supports (CSS)?
CSS is the largest of the MHSA components. It is designed to provide all necessary mental health services to children, TAY, adults, and older adults with the most serious emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges and for whom services under any other public or private insurance or other mental health or entitlement program is inadequate or unavailable. CSS contains provision for Full Service Partnership (FSP), Outreach and Engagement & Housing, and General System Development (GSD), which includes specialized programing for the Crisis System of Care, Justice Involved programs, and expansion and enhancement of the outpatient service system.
What is Full Service Partnership (FSP)?
onsumers, or youth and their families, enroll in a voluntary, intensive program that provides a broad range of supports to accelerate recovery or support alignment with healthy development. FSP includes a “whatever-it-takes” commitment to progress on concrete behavioral health goals. FSP serves clients with a serious behavioral health diagnosis, AND are un- or underserved and at risk of homelessness, incarceration, or hospitalization.
FSP programs are offered countywide and are regionally based. FSP programs are primarily defined by age and development. We have FSP programs for children and families, transition age youth (young adults), adults, and older adults.
All FSP Programs require a direct referral by RUHS-BH staff.
To learn more about FSP, please visit: https://www.ruhealth.org/behavioral-health/full-service-partnership
What is General System Development (GSD)?
The expansion or enhancement of the public mental health services system to meet specialized service goals or to increase the number of people served. GSD is the development and operation of programs that provide mental health services to: 1) Children and TAY who experience severe emotional or behavioral challenges; 2) Adults and Older Adults who carry a serious mental health diagnosis; 3) Adults or Older Adults who require or are at risk of requiring acute psychiatric hospitalization, residential treatment, or outpatient crisis intervention because of a serious mental health diagnosis.
- GSD includes our Crisis System of Care:
- Mental Health Courts and Justice Involved Programs:
Outreach and Engagement
RUHS-BH is recognized for our peer programming. We have programs based on lived experience across care populations: consumer peer; family member; and parent. A Peer Planning and Policy Specialist, a Department manager with the same respective lived experience, heads each program. Not only are their staff integrated into clinic programs throughout each region of Riverside County, but they also coordinate and participated in outreach and engagement activities to help educate on recovery, reduce stigma, and support wellness. They have an important role in our planning process, not only for their peer perspective, but because they have daily involvement in the community with people whose lives are affected by behavioral health challenges
- Consumer Affairs
- Family Advocate
- Parent Support and Training
RUHS-BH continues to provide housing and homeless services to our department and the community at large through our Homeless Housing Opportunities, Partnership, and Education (HHOPE) program. HHOPE provides a full continuum of housing and homeless services.