Emergency Services
Phone: (951) 486-5650
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
RUHS Medical Center Emergency Department (ED) has a significant role in providing emergency medical care in Riverside County. We receive approximately 100,000 patient visits a year. RUHS Medical Center serves as the first responder in the case of natural disaster for Riverside County. As a designated Level I Adult and Level II Pediatric Trauma Center the Medical Center treats nearly half of all trauma patients in the County. We take care of 1500 people annually who experience major trauma.
The medical facility is equipped with a helipad and an on-site decontamination unit, enhancing the hospital’s capacity to handle any type of health care crisis.
There are five acute trauma beds, nine acute cardiac beds and six other specially monitored beds for acute patients. The 25 general exam rooms include a decontamination room, security rooms, an ENT, cast room, and forensic exam room.
The Emergency Department at RUHS Medical Center is dedicated to providing comprehensive emergency care to a diverse adult and pediatric population. Facility expansions for both the ED and Trauma Center are planned for in 2029 to better meet acute and traumatic medical needs in the county.
- Level I Adult and Level II Pediatric Trauma Center
- Staffed with attending physicians and resident physicians 24 hours a day
- Offering a complete range of services from critical care to urgent care services
- Staffed by a multidisciplinary team of experts specializing and board certified in in emergency medicine
- Trauma and Emergency certified nursing staff
- Crisis team specialists
- Social Services
- Case Management
The Emergency Department has been recognized by the California Emergency Physician’s and the California Association of Public Hospitals for its Rapid Medical Evaluation program.