WIC is available to anyone who lives in California meeting the USDA program guidelines regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability. RUHS welcomes military families, migrant families, fathers, foster parents and legal guardians with eligible children. If you are on Medi-Cal, CalFresh or Tanf you can qualify for WIC otherwise see the income guidelines below. Please contact the wife staff at 1-855-Rivhero (748-4376)
Who Qualifies for WIC?
Please review the following chart then choose the option on the right below that best describes your family and income. Please note: There are some exceptions to the standard income guidelines that may qualify you for WIC benefits. If your income is slightly above the guidelines. There may be some exceptions that may allow you to qualify. Number of persons in Family Unit*: Unborn children should be counted in family total.
Example: Pregnant woman with a single unborn child are counted as two (2) in family unit.
Pregnant woman with two unborn children (twins) are counted as three (3).
Hourly**: Decimals are rounded up to the nearest dollar/cent.
Please contact the WIC staff.
WIC Income Guidelines