Important Information
Flu 0-64 years
ICU cases: 3
Flu associated Deaths: 1
Flu 0-64 years
ICU cases: 6
Flu associated deaths: 3
RSV 4 years and younger
RSV associated deaths:1
21/22 Flu (0-64 years) YTD
ICU Cases: 0
Flu associated deaths: 0
ICU cases: 4
Flu-associated deaths: 0
Confidential Morbidity Reports(CMRS)
Riv Co Lab test request form
Home Isolation Agreement and Instructions with Meds - English | Spanish
Home Isolation Agreement and Instructions without Meds - English | Spanish
TB Discharge Plan and Approval Form
Assessment for Temporary Housing
Enteric/GI Disease School Outbreak Toolkit forms
Human cases: 1
Click here to open dashbaord to a new page.
Human cases: 5
WNV associated deaths: 0
ICU cases (0-64 yrs): 4
Flu associated deaths: 0
ICU cases: 71
Influenza-associated deaths: 9
Food Safety Alert from the CDC
ICU cases: 88
Flu -associated deaths: 8
Flu 2019-20 Surveillance Report
Flu 2018-19 Surveillance Report
Local cases: 0
Measles FAQs (English | Spanish)
Measles -- Travel
Measles -- Outbreaks in US
2020: 14 cases
2021 (YTD): 20 cases
MIS-C in California
VAPI cases: 12
Vaping (poster for clinical settings)
CDPH: Weekly VAPI (EVALI) report
West Nile Virus: 10
Human cases: 0
Human cases 10
WNV associated deaths: 0
May, 2019-2020 (Updated: 02.20.20)
Human cases: 14
WNV associated deaths: 0
West Nile Virus--2018/April, 2019
Human cases: 15 (Updated 1.11.19)
Human cases: 2017: 33 (Updated 01.16.18)
2016: 10
Deaths: 0
(Updated 1/6/17)
2015: 138*
Deaths: 6**
Riverside County Public Health Officer Dr. Cameron Kaiser discusses the West Nile Virus (Video)
West Nile GIS map at:
Travel associated: 1
(Updated: 1.11.19)
CDPH Zika-Health Information
Zika FAQ (English | Spanish)
Pregnant Women Urged to Avoid Zika Areas
Getting ready to travel? Check out these health notices
1 case
*Probable and Confirmed Cases.
**Includes deaths in which the patient had the illness but it could not be determined West Nile was the cause of death.
Older items have been moved to the Archive page.
Updated 9/16/19