The Riverside County Injury Prevention Services develops and implements strategies that will reduce the severity of injuries, disability and death due to unintentional injuries to residents in Riverside County. 

Our goals are to: 

  • Determine the most common causes of preventable injuries in a community by obtaining community level data 
  • Conduct needs assessment for the target populations, considering common risk factors and community needs 
  • Design interventions to address injury problem 
  • To work with existing groups to form coalitions or task force 
  • Expand successful prevention programs throughout the county as needed 
  • Provide community education and outreach
Healthy Communities
Healthy Communities

Health and well-being play an important role in influencing an individual's quality of life and overall life potential. Chronic disease increases health care costs, diminishes wages and leads to premature death.

To reduce the burden of chronic disease on individuals and communities, prevention must remain a leading component of the health care dialogue.

Healthy Communities



Resilience Initiative through Support and Empowerment’s (RISE) goal is to empower communities to be more trauma informed by increasing knowledge on adverse childhood and community experiences so they can take ownership and be a catalyst of change to build their own committees that foster resilience. 



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Staff Development

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