The Public Health Nurses (PHNs) with the Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care (HCPCFC) assist in the case coordination of children in out of home placement/foster care. The PHNs collaborate with the child's social worker/probation officer to plan and coordinate health services. In addition, the PHNs serve as health consultants to social workers, probation officers, biological parents, and substitute care providers (foster parents and/or relative caregivers).

The PHNs also provide training to social workers, probation officers, court staff and judges on important health and medical topics that pertain to children in foster care. The ultimate goal of ongoing training and research of current health topics is to ensure that collaborative practice with other service providers will continue to meet the health care needs of children in out of home placement.

The RX PHN provides monitoring for dependent cases to ensure compliance regarding prescribed psychotropic medications and associated due dates for the juvenile court. The PHN will consult with the appropriate staff including behavioral health, DPSS, court staff and others to facilitate care coordination on behalf of the youth.
