2085 Rustin Ave Riverside, CA 92507

The Mental Health Services Act is a ballot measure passed by California voters in November 2004 that provided new funding for public mental health services. This funding provided for an expansion and transformation of the public mental health system with the expectation to achieve results such as a reduction in incarcerations, school failures, unemployment, and homelessness for individuals with severe mental illness. The programs funded through MHSA must include services for all ages: Children (0-16), Transition Age Youth (16-25), Adults (26-59), and Older Adults (60+). The MHSA Administrative Department manages the planning and implementation activities related to the five main required MHSA components: Community Services and Supports, Workforce Education and Training, Prevention and Early Intervention, Capital Facilities and Technology, and Innovation. MHSA funds cannot be used to supplant programs that existed prior to November 2004.




Your feedback is important!


The full draft plan is available here for your review (See below).  Summary documents were requested by our stakeholders in order to provide a quick reference to plan highlights and operations.  These include:

  1. MHSA Plan Summary Highlights:  Reviews changes, plan progress and milestones, and key areas of planning development
  2. Service Components Regional Grid: Organizes key programs across the MHSA service components by county region: Western, Mid-County, and Desert
  3. MHSA and Planning Process Orientation: Provides some fundamentals about how MHSA is structured and how we seek and apply your feedback.




The formal planning process, after the 30-day posting of the Plan, ends with a Public Hearing. This is an opportunity for your support, concerns, and ideas about Riverside County’s MHSA Annual Update Plan FY 24/25 to be formally stated and recorded. These comments become part of the actual plan document that is reviewed by the Riverside Behavioral Health Commission, adopted by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors, and submitted to the California Department of Health Care Services.


This year, there are two ways to participate in the public hearing:

1)      Watch a public hearing video! Videos of the public hearing information will be posted 24/7 to RUHS-BH social media from, May 1 - 25, 2025.  These “Public Hearing in Your Pocket” videos can be watched anytime, and you can provide feedback using the electronic feedback form located on this page or call the voice mail feedback line.

2)      Attend an in-person public hearing! More details about these in-person public hearings are coming soon. 

 MHSA Feedback (English)

MHSA Feedback (Spanish)

In-person hearing flyer

What to expect:

  • Thirty (30) days for public posting of the Draft 3-Year MHSA Plan on our Department page and through our social media accounts: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Announcements are in English and Spanish and include a link to the full plan and the electronic feedback form.
  •  A video presentation of the MHSA Plan overview, similar to that of a standard public hearing, will be posted daily on all our social media accounts, including YouTube. Posts will include a link to the full plan, the electronic feedback form, and a voice mail telephone number. The presentation will be conducted in both English and Spanish and supported by a sign language interpreter.
  • The DVD order deadline is COMING SOON


In-person public hearings are scheduled and are preceded by public forums, where you can learn more about the MHSA plan prior to the hearing: